How And Where To Get A Loan In St. Petersburg

How And Where To Get A Loan In St. Petersburg
How And Where To Get A Loan In St. Petersburg

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Almost all banks of St. Petersburg today provide loans for the development or opening of a business. But taking such a loan is not easy. You need to know a few principles that will help you get a loan from any bank.

How and where to get a loan in St. Petersburg
How and where to get a loan in St. Petersburg

It is necessary

  • Here is the required list of documents for obtaining a loan:
  • - loan application form and application;
  • - all documents on the collateral provided - name, list, location, owner, balance sheet and market value;
  • - a copy of the book of expenses and income (for three working quarters);
  • - a copy of the tax return (for three working quarters);
  • - a special certificate with a breakdown of past loans with an indication of the creditor bank, loan amount, date of receipt / repayment, interest rate, number of credit renewals, amount of overdue debt as of the date of application submission;
  • - decryption of the first account by banks and monthly (for the last three working quarters).


Step 1

If you are just starting your business, you need to decide which bank will serve you. Experience shows that it is much easier to get a loan from a bank of which you are a client. For this reason, before opening a current account, make inquiries and find out as much as possible about the capabilities of a particular bank.

Step 2

If you already have a business and you need a loan, contact the bank you have been a client of from the very beginning. The Bank trusts its regular and long-term clients to a greater extent. For "outsiders" banks, as a rule, set a high percentage.

Step 3

If you have already had to take out a loan from this bank, then it will be much easier to get it again. Among other things, you have the opportunity to ask the bank to lower the interest rate somewhat, since you have already established yourself as an example of a reliable company.
