A loan is an excellent tool that allows you to make a desired purchase in case of a shortage of funds, pay for your studies on time, and make forced repairs. And practically any officially employed person can use such a demanded service in St. Petersburg.

Step 1
Make a mini-plan for yourself, in which write down the following points in detail:
• the approximate amount you need;
• the size of the monthly payment, which will be within your reach and will not create a gap in the family budget;
• the term within which it is planned to return the money with accrued interest;
• possibility of early repayment.
This will allow you to take a sober look at the situation, assess the possibilities and prospects of further relationships with the bank.
Step 2
If you do not have any preferences for financial institutions, then take a look at the information portal banki.ru and select the section "Banks of St. Petersburg" in the menu on the left. You will be presented with an alphabetically ranked list.
Step 3
Click on the link "All banks in the city" - you will have access to information on all institutions of the Northern capital. The information is structured, so it is quite easy to navigate in the proposed list and find the option you need. If there are doubts about the right to conduct business, then by the license number on the Central Bank website, you can determine the legality of the work. Just for this, do not forget to specify the "Registration number" parameter in the form.
Step 4
Go through the list, look at the information on the official websites, choose from a total of about 10 banks, the conditions in which you found the most attractive. If you have any questions, write them down, and next to it, indicate the contact number of the financial organization. Return to them later, perhaps you will stop your choice at another bank and the need for a call will disappear altogether.
Step 5
Fill out online applications on several sites - this procedure will significantly save time if you suddenly have to postpone a visit to the department. The request, as a rule, immediately goes to processing, and employees contact the potential client within a few hours, at most the next day.
Step 6
Be sure to check the list of documents that are required to apply for a loan. Not all banks will require a 2-NDFL certificate from you. However, if you provide it, then the annual interest rate in most cases will be lower, but the likelihood of approval of the application may fall. If your official income is below 15 thousand rubles, do not even try to apply for a loan using a certificate: in any case, there will be a refusal.
There is an opportunity to use alternative options - go for it. But remember that a foreign passport with a stamp about a recent trip to a visa country looks much more attractive for a bank than an insurance pension certificate. Accordingly, in the first case, the chances of getting a loan increase significantly.
In general, the portrait of an ideal borrower for any bank looks like this:
• age from 25 years;
• registration at the place of residence in St. Petersburg;
• continuous work experience at the last place of work of at least 2 years;
• lack of credit obligations;
• an employer is a large organization (in each bank the gradation of companies is different, but an employee of OAO Gazprom will be more willing to provide money than an employee of a small firm Ladoga);
• the position is not associated with a risk to life and health (positions of a taxi driver, driver, members of special services and special forces are recognized as dangerous).
Step 7
Personal communication with a bank representative to obtain a loan is necessary - you will need to fill out an application, provide original documents, put signatures. In addition, if the employee is competent enough in the field of lending and has a broad outlook, then he will select a program that is beneficial for the client and help to build a plan for the rational use of the service.
Step 8
Before signing the document, compare the prepared mini-plan with the conditions of the bank. If there are significant inconsistencies, then it is better to postpone the loan process and look for better deals.