How To Transfer Cash

How To Transfer Cash
How To Transfer Cash

Table of contents:


You can transfer cash in Russia or abroad using a variety of payment systems. The largest choice if the recipient of the money is located in the Russian Federation or one of the CIS countries. The most famous translation systems are "Contact", "Anelik", "Unistream" and many others. For transfers to non-CIS countries, Western Union and Moneygramm are preferable.

How to transfer cash
How to transfer cash

It is necessary

  • - money in the amount of the transfer plus the system commission;
  • - passport;
  • - the nearest point of acceptance of payments of a particular money transfer system;
  • - a fountain pen.


Step 1

Select the system with which you want to make the transfer. Systems differ among themselves in tariffs (from 1% of the transfer amount), transfer speed (from 15 minutes to several hours), the number of points of receipt and withdrawal of money, and other essential conditions. For example, in some systems, the addressee can receive a transfer at any point in his country, in others - only at a specific address.

Almost every translation system has its own official website, where you can clarify all the necessary information. The operator of the point of acceptance and issuance of payments of one or another transfer system (usually these are branches of banks that most often work with several systems) will advise on the necessary issues.

Step 2

Choose a payment acceptance point closest to you and during business hours apply there with money and a passport.

Tell the clerk about your desire to send a transfer through a particular system or ask him to advise you on the options available.

Fill in the papers offered by the teller, sign and deposit the money in the cashier. To do this, the cashier will need your passport or other identity document.

Step 3

The teller will tell you the control number of the transfer. You will also be given a document where it will be indicated.

Notify the recipient of the transfer: by phone, by SMS or by e-mail. Most often, he will have to name at the point of issue of payment the control number of the transfer, the system by which it was made, your name and the amount of the transfer.

Keep the documents received at the payment acceptance point at least until the addressee confirms that he received the transfer.
