Building a secure monetary structure is not an easy process. Choosing a bank, type of deposit, operations for depositing / withdrawing funds to an account can take a lot of time and effort. This is why the overwhelming majority of Russians do not have savings in a bank or a well-functioning financial system. Although the advantages of such a system are obvious - it will support even in a difficult situation, and will save time.

Step 1
First of all, select the bank where you will transfer money for safekeeping. It is believed that Alfa-Bank provides the best opportunities for transactions with electronic money, VTB will support with lending, and Sberbank has the most developed ATM network. You can ask your friends for advice.
Step 2
There is another strategy - to choose not a bank, but a profitable deposit. True, the interest rate on deposit accounts does not differ much among most of the popular financial companies. Keep in mind that your real profit can be seriously curtailed by inflation. The highest rates are usually offered by small banks (in order to attract customers). But in this case, quantity is worse than quality - half a percent is associated with high risk, and more often with a small number of small bank offices.
Step 3
Come to the bank, inform the manager about your desire to open a deposit account. Ask about the pros and cons of the deposit you are interested in, the withdrawal conditions at your bank and its partner network. You will need to present your passport, fill out the documents and deposit the amount into the account (the minimum deposit in each bank is different).
Step 4
Keeping money in foreign currency has its advantages. Dollars and euros have a fixed exchange rate and are accepted for payment in all countries of the world. Therefore, a deposit in foreign currency can increase the ruble capital. When exchanging, choose the most profitable exchange office that does not charge additional fees. The average interest rate on foreign currency deposits in Russia is 3-5% per annum.
Step 5
Connecting to the Internet banking service can be useful if you receive payments more often 5-10 times a month. Then going to the ATM on a regular basis will take more of your time. The cost of the service can range from 50 to 100 rubles (depending on the bank).