The banking services market today is extremely diverse. If you want to open a deposit, you need to contact a reliable bank. To make the right choice, you should pay attention to some important points.

It is necessary
passport, bank, time to visit the bank, internet, bank ratings, credit ratings
Step 1
Don't rely entirely on the deposit insurance system. Of course, you will be refunded 700 thousand rubles, but it is better to initially choose a good bank and not worry about the safety of funds.
Step 2
If we talk about banks, then for a common man in the street they all look the same. They all offer roughly the same interest rates on deposits. Many people choose banks the same way they choose other products. They focus on brand awareness and the location of the bank branch.
Step 3
You should choose a bank by evaluating several parameters. Many depositors believe that a high interest rate is an advantage. Meanwhile, an unreasonably high interest rate should alert you.
Step 4
Financial experts say that those banks that have a deficit of their own funds attract clients with high interest rates. This money may be required to pay off obligations to the same depositors. Therefore, banks offering high interest rates should be avoided.
Step 5
Many people prefer to open deposits in banks located nearby. Do not rush, it is better to study a few sentences. Open a deposit in a reliable bank that offers really attractive conditions for deposits.
Step 6
When choosing a bank, study reviews on the Internet. Do not completely trust the opinion of those who leave negative reviews. After all, some of the negative reviews can simply be paid for. And yet, it is worth studying the reviews of this bank on the Internet.
Step 7
The reliability of any organization is greatly influenced by the business reputation of the bank, its owners and management. It will be very good if you take an interest in this information before opening a deposit.
Step 8
Banks must now publish the names of those who run the institution and own the shares. Of course, it is difficult to predict risks, but this information will make it possible to more clearly assess the stability of a financial institution.
Step 9
Study the position of the financial institution in the ranking. It is best to open a deposit in a bank that is in the TOP-10. Rating agencies study statistics published by the Bank of Russia. Depending on the data, they form the rating of banks.
Step 10
It makes sense to pay attention to credit ratings as well. The level "AAA" is accepted as the best indicator. Of course, only large banks receive the attention of rating agencies. In any case, you should not open a deposit in a little-known financial institution.