How To Choose A Reliable Bank In Your City

How To Choose A Reliable Bank In Your City
How To Choose A Reliable Bank In Your City

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Our life is inextricably linked with banks. These are utility payments, transfers, loans and many more banking products that make our life easier … If you need to get a loan, save and increase your savings, send or receive a transfer, banks will help you. Many different banks can be found in any city. These are, as a rule, additional offices or representatives of banks in retail outlets. It would seem, choose, I don't want to, but it's not that simple. Surely, everyone has friends or personal experience when you are "burned" and no longer want to deal with banks. The correct choice of bank depends on many factors.

How to choose a reliable bank in your city
How to choose a reliable bank in your city

It is necessary

Sheet of paper, pen, internet access, directories, telephone


Step 1

Think again, do you need this or that banking service? Calculate everything well. Will you take on the additional financial burden? Once again, cock all the pros and cons. Seven times measure cut once! Do you need a service? Then let's move on.

Step 2

Make a list of all the banks you know in the city that provide the service you need. Don't stop at banks you know or big banks. Your assistants in compiling the list are so-called word of mouth (friends, acquaintances), the Internet, advertising, and telephone calls. Is the list ready? Go ahead.

Step 3

How to determine if your bank is reliable? In this matter, your main assistant will be the Internet. In accordance with current legislation, all banks operating in Russia are required to post their balance sheet on their website on a quarterly basis, in addition, you can ask for this information at any DO. The site also contains information about the founders or main shareholders of the bank. Ask someone from your acquaintance accountants or economists to decipher the balance sheet numbers, punch through the main founders or shareholders on the Internet, and you will clearly know whether it is worth working with the bank or not. Don't fall for image advertising! Try to double-check any information.

Step 4

You have crossed out banks from the general list of banks that do not provide the services you need. We crossed out banks that are not very reliable in your opinion, and you will have 3-5 banks on the list. Unfortunately, not all Russian banks are as good as they describe themselves in advertising. Be sure to talk to your friends, for sure there will be those among them who were served in these banks, and if there is even a drop of doubt, feel free to put this bank a minus in your rating.

Step 5

Visit these banks and order the service you need, but don't rush to use it right away! Carefully read the entire text of the agreement, do not hesitate to ask and clarify, because we are talking about your "hard-earned" money. If there are too many stars and footnotes in the agreement, this is already a reason for refusing to work with such a bank. Pay attention to how the staff treat you, how they welcome you, how they serve you. At the end of the negotiations, be sure to summarize, voice the main points and wait for confirmation or refutation from the bank manager. You can start with the question: "I understood you correctly, you are proposing to me …" and then list everything that you think needs to be clarified (interest rate, terms, overpayments, tariffs, etc.).

Step 6

As a result, you will have no more than three of the most reliable and respectable banks on your list. In which of them you liked more, so try to work with it.
