Sooner or later, each person will reach the age when it is necessary to go "on a well-deserved rest" and start applying for a pension. This process is accompanied by the need to collect a large package of documents and taking into account many nuances. In order not to get confused in bureaucratic operations, it is necessary to strictly follow the requirements of the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation.

Step 1
Contact the territorial body of the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation after the onset of the right to receive a pension. Receive an application form and a list of documents that are required for registration. Fill out the application and attach to it a certified copy of your passport or other documents proving your identity, place of residence, age and citizenship. If you do not have citizenship or you are a foreign citizen, then you will need a residence permit.
Step 2
Collect documents that confirm the existence of work experience prior to registration in the personification system, as well as an insurance certificate of this registration. Obtain a certificate of average monthly earnings from your last employer. If you did not work, then you need to apply with this request to the employment center at your place of residence.
Step 3
Submit your application along with a package of documents to the FIU branch. This can be done in person, through a trusted person or through the postal service. It must be remembered that the pension is assigned from the date of application, therefore, the earlier you submit the documents, the earlier you will receive payments. The fact and date of receipt of documents are confirmed in the Pension Fund by a receipt-notification, which must be issued to you without fail. If documents are submitted via mail, then the date of receipt is the date indicated on the postmark of the letter.
Step 4
Submit the missing documents to the Pension Fund. In some cases, it is required to submit certificates of disabled family members, dependent, disability, grounds for early receipt of a pension, and so on.
Step 5
Receive a written notification of receipt of your pension within a month from the date of application. Fill in the relevant documents with the FIU. If you plan to receive payments through a bank card, then contact the branch of a bank, where this procedure will be explained to you in detail.