The company acquires the right to sell alcoholic beverages in the Russian Federation on the basis of documents that confirm its compliance with the established rules and regulations. For this, the company carries out the declaration of alcoholic beverages.

Step 1
Reflect the volume indicators of alcoholic beverages in the declaration in deciliters with an accuracy of three decimal places. A ballpoint or fountain pen with black or blue ink is used for filling. You can also use a printable. Enter only one indicator in each column of the declaration, if there is none, then put a dash.
Step 2
Indicate in the column "Name of the declarant" the organizational and legal form, abbreviated and full name of the declarant, which corresponds to the constituent documents. Mark in the appropriate columns the TIN and KPP codes, the legal and actual address of the enterprise. Indicate the series, registration number, as well as the validity period of the license for retail trade in alcoholic beverages issued to the declarant.
Step 3
Fill in the data on the type and name of alcoholic beverages. Indicate the capacity of consumer containers in liters where alcoholic beverages were bottled. Provide data on the amount of alcohol in decalitres that remained at the beginning of the reporting period and is subject to declaration. Note the volumetric content of anhydrous alcohol in alcoholic beverages.
Step 4
Specify manufacturer's data: name and tax identification number. Fill in the information about the supplier: name, TIN code, number, series and license validity period, shipping address. Put in the column “Supplier activity code” the value “1” if the alcoholic beverages came from the manufacturing enterprise, the value “2” if it came from a wholesale organization, or the value “3” if the receipt was from other structural divisions of the declarant.
Step 5
Note the data in decalitres for the reporting period, according to which alcoholic beverages were received, returned, written off, and also sold by the enterprise. Calculate the volume of products remaining at the end of the reporting period. Summarize the overall results for all types of alcoholic beverages.