Why Didn't The Money Come

Why Didn't The Money Come
Why Didn't The Money Come

The number of services and financial transactions that can be paid only through bank and electronic transfers is growing every year. But the banking system is far from perfect, and the transferred money often "hangs" in the electronic space.

Why didn't the money come
Why didn't the money come

In the branches of various banks one can hear more and more often: “I didn't receive money”. And in each specific situation, the solution to the problem will be individual. To correct the situation and return the money, you need to understand why the transfer was not received on the account. The payment may simply be delayed at the bank making the transfer. The most common reasons for the delay are large-scale repair work carried out in the bank's operating system, scheduled maintenance of servers. In this case, the payment will simply come later, nothing needs to be done. Among the possible reasons for the absence of the money sent on the addressee's account is an error in entering the data. An error can be made by both the person who made the payment and the cashier-operator. If the client made a mistake (for example, he sent money to someone else's account), then the bank's management will not be able to help him, because does not have the right to revoke payments that have already been credited to the account. And the refund will completely fall on the shoulders of the payer, who himself will have to contact the recipient of the transfer and, explaining the situation, submit an application for a refund. Therefore, experts advise, in order to avoid misunderstandings, to carefully check all the data, not only before sending money, but also after receiving a receipt. If the data in the payment receipt does not coincide with the real data of the client, then the cashier and his management will be responsible for the error. In this case, the bank staff will have to take a number of measures to return money or resend it. It is more difficult with the mistakes that ATMs make. If, due to a failure in the system, the payment goes to the account of a third party or is lost, then the bank employees stubbornly insist that it was the client who made the mistake when typing the details, which means that he should be responsible for this. And if the check with the data has not been preserved, then it is almost impossible to prove your case.
