Working on weekends is not uncommon today. And for many, there is no longer any difference between a working day on weekdays or on Saturday, Sunday. And few people now remember that work on weekends should be paid in a completely different way than ordinary workdays.

Step 1
It is profitable to work on a day off with an employer who draws up everything according to the law. Indeed, according to article 153 of the Labor Code of Russia, work on a weekend or holiday is paid at least in double the amount. And this applies to any form of registration of an employee at the enterprise. For example, pieceworkers should receive their day off pay equal to double their piecework rates. For those who have an hourly rate, all working time should be multiplied by 2. Employees on salaries are entitled to an additional part of the salary at the rate of one day.
Step 2
But this option is also possible with the employee for his working day off. He can take a day off instead of spent. In this case, wages will be paid as for one working day. However, this provision has caused a lot of controversy. After all, an employee, for example, could work only 3-4 hours on a weekend, and he is given a full 8-hour rest day.
Step 3
As for work on weekends at the time of a business trip, there are some subtleties of payment for working time. If a person is sent to an enterprise, in the internal regulations of which work on weekends is prescribed, then daily subsistence allowance is paid in the usual amount. If the purpose of the business trip is precisely work on weekends, then the traveller's expenses should be paid, as when working on Saturday, Sunday at his work.
Step 4
If the employer evades the fulfillment of his obligations to the employees, then the latter have the right to write a statement against him to the labor protection inspectorate with a request to investigate. If, according to the results of the audit, it is possible to prove that the owner of the company regularly violated the law, then he will have to pay a penalty to the workers and a large fine to the state.