A shopping and entertainment center is a rather expensive and long-term recoupment project. However, it can become very profitable, provided that you choose the right place for its placement and collect the optimal pool of tenants.

It is necessary
- - a registered legal entity;
- - permits.
Step 1
Conduct an analysis of the shopping malls already operating in your city. Specify the composition of tenants, provided services, estimate the number of buyers. Try to find all the pros and cons of the most popular projects.
Step 2
Make a detailed business plan. It is especially necessary if you plan to involve co-investors in the business. Describe the estimated size of the shopping center, its number of storeys, the estimated number of departments. Write down your wishes for the entertainment part of the project separately. The classic model of large shopping and entertainment centers assumes the presence of a cinema with a bar and slot machines, a playground and a food court. To this list can be added a bowling alley, an ice rink and a fitness center.
Step 3
Having defined the concept of the shopping and entertainment center, proceed to obtaining permits for construction. Find a construction contractor company. It is advisable to select it according to the recommendations - then you will be sure that the contractor will complete the work on time and with high quality.
Step 4
Select the composition of tenants depending on the concept and target audience of your future shopping and entertainment center. For example, a family mall will need an expanded children's program. To the traditional playground with slides and swings, you can add a dry pool, a children's race track, a creativity center and other leisure activities for toddlers. Do not forget about cozy cafes for adults and a cinema, where you can spend time with the whole family.
Step 5
The selection of tenants should take place at the design and construction stage of the center. Many anchor projects require non-standard areas, they may have special requirements for communications and other subtleties. When designing areas for a specific tenant, conclude an agreement with him providing for penalties in the event of its termination by one of the parties.
Step 6
Correctly distribute tenants across the floors of the mall. A supermarket can be located on the lower or basement floor, while the middle floors are dedicated to trade departments, a food court and a cafe. Upstairs there are entertainment projects - a cinema, a children's center, a fitness room. The task of the shopping center owner is to make sure that a potential buyer visits as many departments of the center as possible.
Step 7
When selecting tenants, try to ensure that all the required product groups are presented. For example, a large shopping center cannot have 10 jewelry departments and only one children's clothing store. Respect the proportions. Choose proven and popular brands, complementing them with promising new products.
Step 8
By the time the construction is completed, most of the retail space should be allocated. Some tenants may terminate the contract later. Anticipating this, create a backup list of potential project participants.
Step 9
Pick up staff. The shopping center needs accountants, administrators who will coordinate work with tenants. Security and cleaning services can be organized independently, but it is much easier to conclude a long-term contract with already operating organizations.