In the process of economic activity, organizations make settlements with counterparties by means of non-cash payment. To be able to use the settlement and cash services, it is necessary to open a current account in any bank.

As a rule, to open a current account, you must choose a bank that will serve you in the future. To do this, get the most complete information about all the nearest banks, that is, specify the payment for settlement and cash services, the terms of service (for example, withdraw large amounts of money by check), and also find out the possibility of opening a foreign currency account in the future (if you plan to work with imports or export).
After that, you must collect a package of documents. First, fill out an application for opening an account (form 0401025), and indicate the information only in those columns that are intended for you, the rest must be filled out by a bank employee. Sign this statement with the head of the organization and the chief accountant.
Attach a copy of the Charter of the organization to the package of documents, and it must be certified by a notary. If changes have been made to the Charter, then this should also be submitted to the bank. It is also worth making a copy of the memorandum of association (if you have one). Attest with a notary and a copy of the certificate of registration with the tax authority.
You must also provide a copy of the document on the creation of a legal entity to the bank. This can be the minutes of the general meeting of all Members of the company or an order from an authorized body, or a decision of the sole founder.
Also, make a copy of the order on the appointment of the chief accountant and on the entry of the head into the position. If there is an employment contract with the director, please provide a copy of it as well.
Mandatory documents are a copy of the passport of the head of the organization, as well as those employees who will have the right to sign.
Provide the bank with an extract from the unified state register. You can order this document from the tax office.
After you collect the entire package of documents, contact the bank and conclude a bank account agreement. The bank officer must make it in two copies, one of which will remain with you.
Next, a card is drawn up with samples of signatures and a stamp of the organization (form 0401026).
After checking the authenticity and correctness of filling out the documents, the current account will be opened.