The fastest way to send money to a recipient located in another city, region or country is to use instant money transfer systems or plastic cards.

Step 1
If you and the recipient of funds use one type of card (VISA, MasterCard) and / or the services of one bank, the transfer will take less than a day (usually 1-4 hours), and the commission will be determined by the bank. Some banks do not charge such commissions at all from their clients - the sender and the recipient.
Step 2
To send money from one bank debit card to another, use an ATM or contact the cashier.
Step 3
The translation is done according to the traditional scheme. You choose the amount of sending and give the last name, first name and patronymic of the recipient, as well as the locality in which he will receive the transfer, and the address of the company office closest to the recipient. The amount of money must be in cash with you.
Step 4
You pay the amount and commission to the cashier. The commission is calculated depending on the speed and distance of the transfer, as well as on the amount of funds.
Step 5
After payment you will receive a check. On the check, you are given a secret code consisting of letters and numbers. You need to send the code to the recipient by phone, SMS, e-mail or in any other other way.
Step 6
After 20-40 minutes, the recipient can pick up the money at the point of the instant transfer system by showing the cashier a passport or me an identity document with a photo and writing a secret code on a piece of paper.