When opening a bank account, you will not be able to do without a visit to the branch of a credit institution or at least a meeting with its employee. However, in some banks you can reserve an account via the Internet, get its number and even immediately accept payments to it.

It is necessary
- - a computer;
- - access to the Internet;
- - passport;
- - other documents from the list proposed by the bank (not in all cases).
Step 1
First you need to find a bank that provides customers with this opportunity. And I must say that as of mid-2011, there were very few of them. Some banks, for example, Alfa-Bank, accept online through their website applications from clients - individuals for opening bank cards, there are credit organizations that reserve accounts for legal entities and individual entrepreneurs via the Internet. For example, "Probusinessbank" and "Trust".
In the "Trust" the client, after such a reservation, receives an account number and can already include it in invoices and accept payments. But he will not be able to use this money until the procedure is completed.
Step 2
Having found a bank with the ability to apply for one or another of its products online, fill out this form and wait for the consultant to contact you. He will ask you questions of interest, clarify everything that he considers necessary and stipulate further interaction.
The most common option is your visit to the most convenient branch of the bank (often you can choose it already when filling out the application). Less commonly, a meeting is practiced on neutral territory or the departure of a bank employee to your home or office - wherever you say. But the general rule is simple: a representative of a credit institution must see the original of your passport and make a copy of it. The option to send or download the scan is not good.
Step 3
Your further actions depend on the type of banking product to which your account is linked. If it is a plastic card, both debit and credit, most often you will have to visit the bank office to pick it up after production. Less often, the bank sends it by mail to the address you specified, and even less often and, as a rule, for a fee, delivers it by courier. An unnamed card can be issued on the day of application, at the same time a passbook or a similar document is drawn up.
If we are talking simply about a current account, on the day of a meeting with a bank employee, you will be given all the details and you just have to replenish it in cash or by transfer or wait for receipts from outside.