Business Licensing

Business Licensing
Business Licensing

In order to open an individual entrepreneur, you need to be licensed and meet a number of requirements. Each type of activity has its own requirements, they are spelled out in the regulation on obtaining a license. These requirements include the presence of a car, real estate at the licensee, employees with the necessary education, etc. Also, these requirements may apply to the size of the finances of the license recipient, he must be absent for positions and other violations.

Business licensing
Business licensing

Licenses are temporary (for education) and perpetual (that is, for an indefinite period). After receiving a license, an individual entrepreneur has the right to start working directly. An individual entrepreneur can perform his work throughout the territory of the Russian Federation and even those under the jurisdiction of the Russian Federation. The licenses are issued by the authorities at the federal level, but some types of individual entrepreneurship are carried out by the constituent entities of the Russian Federation. A license issued by a constituent entity of the Russian Federation will also be active throughout the territory of Russia if another entity is notified of this, where business activities will be carried out.

More than 50 items are included in the licensing list. The most famous:

1. Passenger traffic, for vehicles that carry more than 7 people.

2. Pharmaceutical and medical activities.

3. Educational.

4. Management of apartment buildings.

5. For the repair and maintenance of fire safety.

In order to obtain a license, you must apply to the appropriate authority with a written application. This application contains information about the recipient of the license and other required data. Copies of constituent documents, regulations on licensing, other documentation and their inventory are attached to the application. Everything must be certified by a notary. An application for licensing is considered within 45 working days; for certain types of activities, the period for consideration may be reduced.

The document on obtaining a license indicates:

1. Name of the authority that issued the license

2. Full or abbreviated name of the organization, legal form, address, telephone, state registration number on the establishment of the organization.

3. Full name of the entrepreneur, his passport data, registration number as an individual entrepreneur.

4. Type of activity.

5. The term, how long and the license number will be valid.

6. TIN

7. Date when the decision to issue the license was made.

The license can be suspended if gross violations of the license requirements have already been revealed many times. The entrepreneur is given a period to correct the mistakes. Within 6 months, he must eliminate all errors, otherwise the license will be canceled. If the entrepreneur has eliminated all his violations, he is obliged to inform the licensing authority in writing. Further, after checking the application, within 3 days after the letter was received, the licensing authority must also give a written answer on the renewal of the license or on the extension of the term for eliminating errors by the entrepreneur.

Engaging in entrepreneurial activity without obtaining a license is subject to punishment under the relevant articles of the administrative and criminal code of the Russian Federation. On the basis of Article 14 of the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation, an enterprise that is subject to compulsory licensing, has not received a license and operates without it, is punished with a fine of 5,000 rubles. with or without confiscation of goods, depending on the decision of the court. If the organization has caused great damage to the state, then the entrepreneur is punished under Art. 171 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation (criminal code).
