The most popular service provided by the bank is credit. Fewer and fewer are left who did not use it. At first glance, there is nothing wrong with that. I took out a loan and went, for example, on vacation. In fact, everything is not entirely so cloudless. Let's take a look at this: is credit good or bad?

To begin with, let's still find out why this service has recommended itself so well, that is, let's talk about the advantages of a credit loan.
The first, of course, is that the loan makes it possible to fulfill, so to speak, your dream right here and now. You do not need to wait a month or a year, the required amount will be in your hands.
For working spouses, the repayment of the loan will not be so noticeable, since the family budget will not suffer much. Agree, this is also a plus. It is easier to pay a small amount for a while than to give all the money at once.
Do not forget that loan repayment is based on self-discipline, since money must always be paid on time. And this is a very useful and necessary quality. It has also been proven that a person who borrowed money in this way tries to earn even more. In other words, he has an incentive to improve his performance.
You can save a lot on interest on a loan. To do this, you just need to pay the entire amount on time during the grace period. Each bank has its own. However, in no bank it does not exceed two months, that is, 60 days.
Well, and the last, in my opinion, the advantage of the loan is that it can be paid off much faster and even stay, so to speak, with a profit. To do this, you need to properly operate the thing bought on it. Some even do this: they take an apartment on a mortgage and rent it out. Thus, they earn and move into their homes much faster than they could.
All this was the plus of the loan. Now let's find out about the pitfalls you can expect when using this service.
The biggest drawback, of course, is the overpayment. In some cases, it is simply huge. It is worth considering this, especially when the bank gives you a loan at high interest rates.
As already mentioned, self-discipline in this matter is very important, since loan delays are severely punished by the bank in the form of charging all kinds of penalties and fines. Keep track of your spending and pay your loan loans on time, otherwise the loan will cost much more than you expected.
Moving on to the last minus. It lies in the fact that the bank is not interested in your unforeseen circumstances. It doesn't matter to him that you have lost your job or become seriously ill. Of course, the bank, issuing a large amount, also cares a little, if I may say so, about its borrowers. He requires you to take out insurance. But this, too, does not bring much benefit. A delay is also given, but, alas, it also often does not help. That is why many people lose their mortgaged property.
So let's summarize. Credit, of course, is a very serious thing. You need to treat it correctly, and not carelessly. Before applying for a loan from a bank, you need to think over everything very carefully and inform your loved ones. Weigh all the conditions that the bank offers and only then make a decision. Remember to do everything in your right mind.