There are a number of ways in which you can invest your hard earned money. Some of them are reliable, and some raise huge doubts. And each of these investments has its own pitfalls. So what should you do in order not to lose all your savings?

Step 1
Trust management. All investments are made on the Internet. It is very convenient in that the investor does not need to constantly review all projects and decide whether it is profitable or not. It is enough to entrust your savings to a company or a manager engaged in profitable investments in various projects.
Step 2
Forex market. Given all the strategies they offer, it is simply impossible to lose. It is better to play in this market with the help of an experienced broker who will be able to squeeze the maximum profit from all types of "play" on the stock exchange.
Step 3
Betting. With the help of a trustee, the investor places bets on sports, horse racing, and so on. If you win, you get a pretty solid amount of profit.
Step 4
Opening bank accounts. It is better to open in several institutions at once to minimize possible financial losses. According to experts, it is better to make long-term deposits in foreign currency, since it is the most reliable. But with a short investment period, rubles are quite suitable.
Step 5
Buying real estate. Allows you to rent out apartments, and land for rent. When renting an apartment, the profit will be small, but constant. By renting out land for temporary use, you can get decent dividends.
Step 6
Securities. Stocks, bonds. It is advisable to invest money in companies and organizations with the help of experienced financiers working in special banking funds.
Step 7
Investment in gold bars. The most convenient and reliable way to preserve and increase your investment, as gold prices are constantly growing up.
Step 8
Antiques. Buying old and valuable things is one of the most profitable investments. The older the thing, the higher the cost of it.
Step 9
Business. The most convenient, but not particularly reliable way of investing is organizing your own business. But for this you need to know at least the basics of doing business and have an economic education.
Step 10
Investing money in a partner's business. In this case, it means investing in a project. You shouldn't expect quick profits, as well as success - this business can be a failure.