How To Register An Individual Entrepreneurship In

How To Register An Individual Entrepreneurship In
How To Register An Individual Entrepreneurship In

If you have your own business, you can fully control the workflow and employees. You can avoid the least enjoyable part of the job and hire people to do it. You will manage the time yourself, plan which hours to schedule business meetings, and which hours to devote to yourself, your family, and a well-deserved rest. But everything is not as rosy as it seems at first glance. Any aspiring entrepreneur will have to face certain challenges. Where do you start? The first step in creating any business is to register an individual entrepreneur. First, let's figure out what an IP is.

How to register an individual entrepreneurship in 2018
How to register an individual entrepreneurship in 2018

SP stands for . This is an individual who, after state registration of a future business, receives the right to conduct it. It is imperative to officially register a future company, because illegal entrepreneurial activity carries administrative and even criminal liability.

First of all, to register an individual entrepreneur, you need to contact the tax service at the place of your registration. But there are other options as well. With the development of technology, it became possible to register online, which greatly simplifies the process. If registration is made from Moscow, then it is fully completed within 3 working days. Each option has its own advantages. In the first case, you spend a little more time and nerves, but you save money and gain invaluable experience by going through it yourself. In the second, the very minimum is required of you - no need to collect papers; you just pay the service provider and that's it. Another plus is.

The next step is to select an activity code according to OKVED. Having carefully studied their list, choose the ones that suit you. You will need to write them down on your registration application. If you need more, take additional sheets. It is not necessary to indicate those codes for which you do not plan to conduct activities. If at some stage of development your business changes direction a little, you can enter new codes of activity, there are no restrictions on them.

After the code is selected, you fill out an application on form P21001. When filling it out, it is very important not to make mistakes, because. After filling out the form, you will need to pay a state fee of 800 rubles, which the state collects for registering an individual entrepreneur.

After reviewing all tax systems, choose the one that suits you best. Most often The last, final step is to collect the entire package of documents, a list of which can be found on many sites. After that, it remains only to wait for the registration of the individual entrepreneur.
