A bread kiosk in a residential area of the city or just anywhere with high traffic can become an excellent type of business for a novice entrepreneur - relying on a high turnover, you can eventually achieve more and more favorable conditions for cooperation with suppliers, bakeries and mini-bakeries.

It is necessary
- - permission of several departments of local administration;
- - stationary kiosk, new or used;
- - trade equipment (racks, wooden trays, cash register);
- - agreement with several suppliers of bakery products;
- - seller-distributor (one or two replaceable ones).
Step 1
Check with the local administration before starting to select a place for a stall, where, according to the existing rules, you can locate a point of sale in principle. In some cities, the choice of places for kiosks and stalls is very limited and you have to proceed not from your desires, but from the requirements of the city administration. Having already chosen a specific place, coordinate it with the Department of Architecture and Urban Planning and obtain permission from the Department of Trade.
Step 2
Evaluate the offers of firms that manufacture stationary trade kiosks in your city or its environs. If there is an opportunity to order a new kiosk - do it, if there is not enough money, agree on the purchase of an already used kiosk with the owner who is liquidating his outlet. The costs of dismantling and transporting the kiosk in the latter case will most likely have to be borne by you.
Step 3
Equip the kiosk with everything you need, namely the simplest trade equipment (several shelves and wooden trays), as well as a fire alarm. Purchase a cash register, register it with the tax office (if you already have the status of an individual entrepreneur), conclude an agreement for servicing the cash register. A ready-to-work outlet must be accepted by employees of the licensing authorities - the fire inspectorate and Rospotrebnadzor.
Step 4
Collect a database of all possible suppliers of bakery and confectionery products (they can be added to the assortment) in your region. Keep in mind that many manufacturers do not work with retail outlets directly, but sell bread to wholesale firms that deliver goods to outlets themselves. It will be more convenient for you to work with wholesalers - although they make an additional mark-up on the goods, you will not have to organize the delivery of bread from the factory or from the bakery, and this will greatly facilitate your life.
Step 5
Find a reliable distributor in all respects, preferably having received some recommendations from his past employers. An honest and polite seller is the key to the prosperity and well-being of your outlet, it is better to change ten distributors and find a worthy one than to constantly incur losses from the unfair performance of their duties by the first who come across.