An organization, like any other system, has certain properties that help to characterize it. Their knowledge will allow you to better understand the essence of this concept, and also help you find additional ways to develop your business.

Purposefulness is the main property of an organization. It is it that determines the meaning of the existence of all elements. Any system must function to achieve a goal. In the case of business, this is profit maximization. The purpose of a technical system, for example, is to satisfy human needs. And the biological system exists to survive and leave offspring.
Integrity. All elements of the system must function continuously. It is the whole that is important, not the individual units. Each part should have its own purpose. Regardless of the level of complexity, the organization must have one vector of movement. If we compare this with a person, then all organs should work interconnected. If, for example, the stomach suddenly stops functioning, the person is unlikely to survive. The same thing happens with business.
Emergence. This property means that the system has much greater capabilities than its individual elements. A team can make more money than each individual employee.
Homeostasis. In another way - stability, reaction to external influences. The bottom line is that any violations in the organization must be immediately eliminated, otherwise it will lead to irreparable problems. Imagine that your accountant suddenly disappeared and there is no one to pay your salary. Compensation occurs under the influence of certain external factors.
Structurality. Each organization should consist of at least two elements, each of which can be divided once again and so on ad infinitum.