Cash Z-report, or report with cancellation, must be removed after the end of each work shift. The amount entered in the report goes into the memory of the cash register. In case of loss of a document indicating the amount of revenue per shift, it is necessary to carry out a series of sequential actions so that during the inspection the administrative staff of the enterprise is not fined a large amount.

It is necessary
- - Act;
- - explanation;
- - request;
- - fiscal report for the required period.
Step 1
It is impossible to punch a report with retroactive cancellation. Therefore, the loss of a check means that you cannot get it and pin it to financial documents. But at the same time, all reports are saved in the EKLZ memory and you can get a fiscal receipt, which will confirm the revenue of the shift that has lost the Z-report.
Step 2
Draw up an act on the loss of a report with cancellation; during its execution, the shift cashier, senior cashier, chief accountant and an authorized administration officer must be present.
Step 3
Ask the cashier to write an explanation of where, when and under what circumstances the report was lost and why information about cash withdrawal with cancellation was not entered in the cashier's journal.
Step 4
Make a request to call a specialist from the technical service center of cash registers with whom you have an agreement.
Step 5
The specialist of the technical center will shoot the fiscal report. Indicate for what period you need to have confirmation of financial income for the shift in connection with the lost report with cancellation.
Step 6
Attach the fiscal report to the cashier's journal instead of the lost report with cancellation, enter the information in the journal. The information of the fiscal report replaces the lost Z-report by 100%. From the side of the audit of the tax authorities, there will be no claims against your company.
Step 7
You have the right to draw up an act, issue a written reprimand and financially punish the cashier guilty of losing financial documents. The law is not prohibited if you do not endure any penalties and punishments, but limit yourself only to a strict warning or an oral reprimand.
Step 8
Loss of financial reporting documents is a serious reason to think about terminating the contract unilaterally due to distrust. If the cashier constantly loses reports or you have other equally compelling reasons not to trust the financially responsible person, file your dismissal in accordance with the current rules of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation.