There are frequent cases of bad faith of insurance companies regarding compensation of insurance damage to the victim. Often, ICs do not comply with the terms of payment of insurance compensation and use every opportunity so as not to pay it at all.

Step 1
So how can you collect payments from the insurance company and, if possible, punish it for the delay in time? You can write a complaint to the Federal Insurance Supervision Service or, if we are talking about car insurance, to the Russian Union of Auto Insurers. However, as practice shows, such complaints are useless.
Step 2
Try to punish the UK financially. This option is more efficient and effective in collecting payments from insurance companies. The essence of this action is to go to court.
Step 3
Include in the subject of the lawsuit not only the amount of payments, but also the amount of the forfeit for untimely compensation of the damage caused. In accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation, the IC considers the application of the insured for payment of compensation and the documents attached to it within thirty days from the date of their receipt. For the specified period, the insurer is obliged to pay the insurance amount to the victim, or send him a reasoned refusal. In case of non-fulfillment of these obligations, the IC pays to the insured a penalty from the sum insured for each day of delay in payment.
Step 4
Require the payment of interest for the use of your funds by the insurance company, for which purpose in your claim indicate: "In accordance with Art. Interest on the amount of these funds."
Step 5
The legal costs incurred by the victims should also be included in the claim: “When filing a statement of claim, I incurred the following legal costs: paid state duty, paid for legal services. The total cost was (amount)."
Step 6
In case of late payment of the sum insured, you should have a document that records the delivery of all necessary documents in the UK. Often, such a confirmation is an act of acceptance of documents with the date indicated in it and the signature of the person in charge, sealed. On the 31st calendar day after the submission of this act, you must appear in the UK and clarify when you can receive the money.