How Sellers Can Cheat

How Sellers Can Cheat
How Sellers Can Cheat

Unscrupulous sellers use many tricks to cash in on customers. We will help you figure them out.

How sellers can cheat
How sellers can cheat


It is difficult to check a long check at the checkout, and therefore, the more items in the basket, the higher the probability of shortfall. The seller is able to punch one product twice or add the packaging of the previous buyer to the invoice. And the cashier sometimes breaks through expensive goods instead of cheap ones. How does it work? It's simple. The packages are labeled with barcodes with price information. It happens that the terminal does not read the combination. The seller enters the code manually. One wrong value, and the price is displayed more than necessary. Therefore, consider the receipt immediately, check the names of the goods.


And it happens like this. The amount of the purchase is called. You get the money, but the cashier says that you can't get the change. He asks for another 50 rubles, then another sum. Confused, you take the change and do not notice that you received less money than you need. In order not to be mistaken, refuse to give additional bills for "even counting". By law, the store must have change money for change.

There is also such a variant of deception. You hand the money to the seller, he takes it and exclaims: "Do you have a discount card?" You start sorting through the pieces of plastic that are in your wallet. Not finding the card, look at the cashier and wait for him to return the change. But that was not the case: while you were auditing the purse, the sales worker hid the received bill and claims that he did not take the money. As a result, you have to pay again. To avoid falling for the trick, do not get distracted by talking to the cashier.


Cheating isn't just in stores. Market vendors have their own tricks. The second freshness is a proven version of deception. The meat on the counter is reanimated by sprinkling with water and wiping with a damp cloth. As a result, customers are at risk of both wallet and health. On the hands of sellers and misgrading. For example, you see minced meat on the counter. The label says pork, beef. But there is no guarantee that poultry meat was not added to the product. The add-on allows you to reduce the cost of the product. There are buyers who ask to make minced meat in their presence. But they came up with a way to deceive and for such clients. Money is taken for the pieces selected for the minced meat, but part of the meat is left in the meat grinder. This provides additional profit. Therefore, you should not buy minced meat on the market.

This scheme also works. There is meat on display without a price tag. And this is no coincidence. When asked how much it costs, the seller answers in different ways. It all depends on the appearance of the buyer. Feeling that he is not constrained in funds, the sales worker calls a figure that exceeds the price. Taking multiple products? Make sure that you do not add two or three hundred rubles, summing up your purchases. And to do this, check the account on a calculator. Try not to take multiple items from the same seller. And don't dress up when you go to the market.
