How To Make A Change In Salary

How To Make A Change In Salary
How To Make A Change In Salary

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Sometimes there is such a pleasant moment in the life of employees of any enterprise as an increase in salary. Such happiness can fall on their head in two cases: if the employee was promoted (transferred to another position with a higher pay) or it was simply (planned or unplanned) decided to raise his wages. As for the reduction of the salary, this sad situation is rather difficult from the point of view of its correct registration. But, nevertheless, a personnel worker in both cases needs to know how to document the change in salary.

How to make a change in salary
How to make a change in salary

It is necessary

  • employment contract with an employee
  • personal card of the employee T-2
  • personal account of the employee T-54
  • employee work book
  • sample supplementary agreement to the employment contract
  • unified form T-5 (T-5a)
  • knowledge of office work


Step 1

If the employee was transferred to another position with a higher salary, the registration of the change in salary occurs in parallel with the transfer to another position. In this case, the personnel officer must make an additional agreement to the employment contract with the employee. It is necessary to register in the agreement that the employee is transferred to a new position and indicate the new amount of remuneration. On the basis of this agreement, an order is made to transfer to a new position (unified form T-5 or T-5a), which indicates the new salary. When registering the transfer of an employee to another position with an increase in salary, do not forget to make an entry about the transfer (but not about a change in salary!) In the employee's work book.

Step 2

If the employee remains in the previous position, then you need to understand whether the salary of this particular employee changes or whether the change in salary concerns the position he occupies. These cases provide for different algorithms for documenting the change in salary.

Step 3

If the salary changes relate to the position occupied by the employee, it is necessary to make an order to change the staffing table, and then an order to approve a new staffing table with a new salary. After that, an additional agreement is made to the employment contract with the employee and an order to increase the salary on the basis of this agreement. There are no unified forms for these orders.

Step 4

If the salary is raised directly to the employee, then everything starts with a memo from the employee's immediate supervisor addressed to the general director. This note justifies the need for a salary increase. On the basis of a note endorsed by the general director, the personnel worker draws up an additional agreement to the contract with the employee. And already on the basis of an additional agreement, he makes an order to increase the salary. This order and the memorandum are drawn up in free form with all the details adopted by the rules of office work for this type of documents.

Step 5

Now let's talk about an unpleasant situation for employees of changing salaries downward. The Labor Code contains a number of reasons that allow employers to reduce their salaries. Among these reasons, only those related to changes in working conditions - organizational or technological, can appear. Such conditions can be changes in equipment and technology in production, improvement of the workplace (confirmed by certification of workplaces), reorganization of the production structure. At the same time, in order to change the salary towards a decrease, the volume, the complexity of the work or the labor costs of the employee must decrease. Otherwise, you risk worsening the situation of the employee, and this is unacceptable according to the Labor Code. In practice, it is quite difficult to implement and correctly draw up a reduction in salary. Firstly, you must have documentary evidence for all changes in the workflow, which is precisely the stumbling block in most cases when registering a reduction in wages. In addition, there must be orders to change the staffing table and its approval. Secondly, you must notify the employee in writing against signature about what threatens him two months in advance (article 74 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation). If the employee is not satisfied with such conditions, then the employer will have to offer him another suitable job. If this does not satisfy the employee, then he has the right to "leave" your organization. If the employee agrees, then an additional agreement is made to the employment contract and an order to lower the salary.
