Inventory accounting of inventory items must be carried out by each enterprise in accordance with the terms specified in internal legal acts, but at least once every three months, which are considered the reporting tax period. All surpluses found during accounting must be posted according to primary accounting documents and included in tax accounting as unrealized income.

It is necessary
primary accounting documents
Step 1
Begin accounting for the surplus found in the inventory by including on debit 41, credit 91.1. This will be the parish indicated in the company's accounting documents. Conduct a market assessment for each item of inventory separately, summarize the result. Consider unrealized income in kind when determining the tax base, taking into account the provisions of Article 40 of the Tax Code, excluding VAT in the amount (letter of the Ministry of Finance of Russia N03-03-01-04 / 1/19).
Step 2
Take into account all capitalized surpluses when calculating income tax (Article No. 250, No. 254 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation). Write off at a loss not the entire value of the surplus capitalized, but only the amount of income tax that has already been paid.
Step 3
When re-grading inventory, indicate surplus and shortage in the collation sheet. The number of titles must match. The document is drawn up by the responsible material person, submitted for resolution and approval to the head of the enterprise. The signed document will be a statement that all nomenclature items are correct. You can offset surpluses and shortages as an exception for one tax period (order of the Ministry of Finance No. 49 dated 06/13/95). In this case, the financially responsible person is obliged to explain in writing the reason for the misgrading.
Step 4
If the guilty persons are not identified, write off the difference in the amount in the distribution and production costs. This will be seen as a shortfall in excess of the attrition rate.
Step 5
Accurate inventory results will help you easily deal with surplus and shortage during the next audit.
Step 6
When selling the surplus found during the inventory, take into account the costs at the same market price that was determined during the inventory (Federal Law No. 281-F3, Article No. 254 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation).
Step 7
For debit 99 and credit 68, consider a permanent tax liability. When transferring inventory items to production, make the posting on debit 20, credit 10.