How To Pay For A Purchase With A Credit Card

How To Pay For A Purchase With A Credit Card
How To Pay For A Purchase With A Credit Card

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Credit cards allow you to make purchases in regular stores and pay for goods and services on the Internet using funds provided by the bank on credit. The main thing is not to forget to pay off the debt to the bank within the terms established by the contract.

How to pay for a purchase with a credit card
How to pay for a purchase with a credit card


Step 1

Make sure that the value of the product or service that you intend to pay with a credit card does not exceed the credit limit set by the bank. Otherwise, the transaction will not be carried out either in a regular store or when buying over the Internet.

Step 2

Show your credit card to the seller in a regular store at the time of payment for the goods. The seller should ask you for a document proving your identity, such as a driver's license or passport, but in most cases they neglect this obligation. The merchant passes the card through a special terminal that reads information about the account and the cardholder and sends a request to the bank. The bank confirms that there are enough funds to complete the purchase and debits this amount from the account. The seller will give you a check for your signature; without it, you can protest the purchase. Some payment terminals, which are equipped with shops, require entering the PIN-code of the card on a special keyboard that resembles the keys of a mobile phone.

Step 3

Keep your credit card handy when shopping online. Select a product, put it in the basket, click the "pay" button. In the case of the purchase of a service or a ticket, for example, for an airplane, fill in all the data necessary to issue an itinerary receipt, click the "next" button. You will be presented with a form that must be filled out to pay by card. It includes information about the payment system to which the card is linked (Master Card or Visa), number and validity period, and the name of the holder. The system can also request the address or e-mail of the cardholder. Enter the security code printed on the back of the card under the magnetic tape. This reduces the risk of fraud with your card. The system can also send an SMS message to your mobile phone indicating the password required to authorize the transaction. When all the required form fields are filled in, click the "pay" button. A request will be sent to your bank, after which the funds will be debited from the account.
