What To Do With A Counterfeit Bill

What To Do With A Counterfeit Bill
What To Do With A Counterfeit Bill

Most often, bills of 5000 and 1000 rubles are forged. And fakes are so high quality that it is almost impossible to distinguish them from the real ones. Sometimes even technical means of checking banknotes, which determine authenticity using ultraviolet light, cannot cope with this. If you find a counterfeit bill in your wallet, don't panic.

What to do with a counterfeit bill
What to do with a counterfeit bill

Most often it happens like this. The cashier is unexpectedly informed that he is paying with a counterfeit bill. As a rule, this happens either at a bank, or at the post office, or in a store.

Identification and redemption of counterfeit banknotes should be carried out only by banks in accordance with Chapter 16 of the Central Bank Regulation N 318-P "On the procedure for conducting cash transactions and rules for storing, transporting and collecting banknotes" dated April 24, 2008. Therefore, cashiers of stores, pharmacies, service enterprises, post office employees and operators of other organizations that provide services for cash do not have the authority to seize and destroy counterfeit money. If a counterfeit is found, they must immediately call the police. But the bank's cashier should do the following.

If a bank employee determines your banknote as insolvent, it is immediately stamped with an imprint "Exchange refused" or "Forgery", the name of the credit institution, date, full name of the employee and signature. The redeemed insolvent banknote is returned to the client, so to speak, as a souvenir, but only after a conversation with law enforcement agencies.

If the bank considered the bill simply doubtful, then the cashier is obliged to draw up a certificate in the form 0402159, having entered the details of the banknote, face value, year of manufacture. This certificate is handed over to the client in exchange for the bill, which is handed over to the employees of the internal affairs bodies for investigation and examination. After all these activities, the money is returned to the bank again. If the banknote is recognized as authentic, it is returned to the owner. If the bill is non-payment, it is also returned, but already canceled, that is, with an imprint “Cannot be exchanged”.

If you have a counterfeit bill in your wallet or you just suspect that it is a fake, in no case try to get rid of it. It could end badly. If you are trying to get rid of a counterfeit in the market, in a store or any other outlet, you knowingly become an accomplice in the crime. Remember, article 186 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation "Illegal production, storage, transportation or sale of counterfeit banknotes of the Bank of the Russian Federation" provides and equalizes the responsibility of both the manufacturer and the distributor of counterfeit money. Crimes involving counterfeit money are serious crimes and can result in imprisonment for up to 15 years.

To make sure that the money is not counterfeit, contact the bank and order an examination of the banknote for authenticity. You will be asked to draw up an application for checking the banknote and attach a list of questionable banknotes. The bank employee will issue an order in the form 0401108 for the amount of money to be accepted. You will be given one copy of this memorial order. After examination, the banknote will be returned. Expertise, as a rule, is paid.

The second way is to immediately contact the law enforcement agencies in the department for combating economic crimes. They will open a case, carry out an examination of the authenticity and an investigation into the discovery of counterfeit money. You will need to remember all the circumstances under which you received this banknote in your hands, and the person who paid you with counterfeit banknotes. The examination will already be carried out by the police, but the bill (if it is fake) will not be returned to you.

And the third option - if you are sure of the insolvency of a banknote that accidentally got into your wallet, you can destroy it yourself by passing it through a paper shredder, tearing it or in any other way. But this method does not contribute to solving the crime and will leave counterfeiters and people who sold you counterfeit money unpunished.
