Pension is one of those topics that never leaves the lips of pensioners, which is so actively discussed by the government of our country and which is so stubbornly avoided by people who are still far from retirement. Although your own pension can be calculated now.

It is necessary
- The amount of the average monthly salary for 2000-2001, or information on the average salary for any of the last 60 months during which the insured has been continuously working (HR).
- Average monthly salary in the country for the same period (salary).
- Average monthly salary in the country for the 3rd and 4th quarters of 2001. Approved by the government of the Russian Federation (NWP).
- Seniority coefficient. It is calculated depending on the length of service of the insured as of 01.01.2002. For citizens who have worked for 20 years, SK = 0.55 and increases by 0.01 for each subsequent year of work.
Step 1
The calculation of the pension is carried out according to the formula:
RP = SK x ZR / ZP x SZP.
Example (taken from the sit
Let's calculate the pension using the example of a pension for a woman who decided to apply to the Pension Fund on January 17, 2005. her work experience as of 01.01.2002 is 40 years, her salary in 2002 was 5,000 rubles a month.
Her pension will be: RP = 0.70 × 1.2 × 1671 = 1403.64 rubles.
Step 2
Calculation of pension capital. It is calculated using the formula:
PC = (RP-BCH) x T
BC - the basic part of the pension. Is 450 rubles.
T is the expected period of pension payments. In 2002 it was 12 years (144 months). Increases annually by 6 months. From the above example it follows:
The woman's pension capital will be: (1403, 64 + 450) x162 = 154489, 68 rubles.