In modern times, the basis of market relations is the relationship of people. It's one thing when you ask for a loan or give your money to relatives, and another thing when friends or just acquaintances want to act as a borrower. In this case, the receipt is an important document with legal force.

Step 1
According to the law, it can be drawn up if the amount of the transferred funds is more than one thousand rubles. In addition, the receipt does not require mandatory notarization. But, if you are afraid to trust your money, then it is better to contact a lawyer, then you will not face the fact of forging a signature. In addition to the notary, the signatures of two witnesses can certify the receipt, which will give the document legal significance.
Step 2
If the receipt is issued without witnesses and a lawyer, then if you have problems with the refund, you will have to contact special handwriting experts. In order not to bring the matter to this, it is better to draw up this document accordingly immediately.
Step 3
The receipt is drawn up in free form. It must contain: full name, passport data, addresses of residence of the lender and borrower, the basis for the provision of money and the amount of funds transferred. Then it is necessary to indicate that the document was drawn up and signed without claims to each other and with the absolute consent of its parties.
Step 4
In addition, the receipt must contain data on the date of its preparation and all the nuances of the terms of refund and interest.