Starting a business from scratch and achieving success in an already sufficiently developed and filled market is not an easy task, especially when you consider that the entire future of an entrepreneur is often on the map. But there are successful examples, moreover, there is a certain algorithm for creating a business that allows you to avoid failures as much as possible.

Step 1
Try to assess the economic situation in your region - the ideal place to "start" a small or medium-sized commercial enterprise will be a place where there are all conditions for successful business activity, but the level of competition is not yet so high. In some Russian regions, the situation is exactly that - it should not be a very remote place, but also not the capital of the federal district, where almost all "places in the sun" have long been occupied. If a new beginning for you will be the main occupation in life, then you can decide to move, the main thing is to have complete confidence in the expediency of such a step.
Step 2
Analyze the market situation by choosing a place for your activity - it is important to find a point of high demand with a small supply, to correctly assess the purchasing power of the local population, its psychology and mentality. Even if you don't have to run a retail business, you will be hiring staff, interacting with authorities and other entrepreneurs, on whom the success and the very possibility of your venture will depend. Do not take any decisive steps without first mastering the most complete information about a particular region.
Step 3
Provide yourself with a reliable "financial rear" - do not start large-scale activities to create your own commercial enterprise without having established business relations with any credit institution. You must enlist the support of a bank that you have every reason to trust - without this, starting a new enterprise will in any case be fraught with enormous risk.
Step 4
Select a team of close-minded people you can rely on later, control the selection of personnel personally, not trusting the experience of hired personnel officers and employees of recruiting companies. Try to create a strong "backbone" that defines the style of work and contributes to the creation of the "right" work atmosphere in your company. For all the talents of the heads of large commercial organizations, the staff still, as it was many years ago, decides almost everything.