An official check is carried out in order to identify or establish the circumstances of violation by the employee or employees of the provisions of the current legislation, or local regulations of the employer. The main principles of the audit are objectivity and comprehensiveness. The term of the inspection should not exceed the time frame for bringing the guilty person to disciplinary responsibility.

Step 1
When checking, a decision of the head, drawn up in an appropriate order, by order, on conducting an official check is required.
Step 2
Creation of a commission consisting of at least 3 people. The chairman of the commission is appointed. As a rule, the members of the commission include specialists who have the necessary knowledge and experience in matters related to the subject of the audit. Do not include employees who are directly or indirectly interested in the results of the audit as members of the commission.
Step 3
The chairman of the commission draws up an action plan and determines the procedure for conducting an official audit.
Step 4
The chairman and members of the commission objectively and comprehensively examine the materials and circumstances that served as the reason for the check. During the inspection, the commission has the right to take explanations from the persons in respect of whom the inspection is carried out and from other persons who are able to explain certain circumstances related to the subject of the inspection. The members of the commission collect and analyze all materials and information regarding the offense. The members of the commission are obliged to maintain the confidentiality of the information received and to fully and objectively investigate all the circumstances.
Step 5
Based on the results of the inspection, a written opinion is drawn up. The conclusion indicates the grounds and timing of the inspection, the members of the commission and their status, the issues that were clarified during the inspection, the circumstances established by the inspection. Also, the conclusion should contain conclusions about the guilt or innocence of the employee in respect of whom the check was carried out. The members of the commission have the right to make proposals on taking measures to eliminate violations, as well as to take measures against the guilty employee.
Step 6
The conclusion must contain the date and place of drawing up, and must also be signed by the chairman and all members of the commission. It is also necessary to familiarize the employee with respect to whom it was carried out with the results of the check against signature.
Step 7
The conclusion on the service check is sent to the head for consideration for further decision.