How Profitable To Put Money In The Bank

How Profitable To Put Money In The Bank
How Profitable To Put Money In The Bank

Investment is an investment of money for the purpose of making a profit.

That is, money makes money and for this it must be used correctly. The money under the mattress is eaten up by inflation and depreciated. And if you save up for something, then a profitable investment will speed up the accumulation process.

How profitable to put money in the bank
How profitable to put money in the bank

Putting money in the bank is by far the most accessible and widespread method. Before you put money in a bank, you need to choose which bank and to which deposit. Banks offer different types of deposits - this is a deposit, an OMC deposit, a savings certificate, a PIF and a deposit + PIF. Each type of contribution is special, there are pros and cons.

Let's start with a deposit. The deposit is the most reliable type of deposit. Deposits are insured by the state. 100% guarantee of making a profit, but the profitability is slightly less than on other deposits. Now you need to choose the most profitable deposit, and decide for how long the deposit will be made. The yield will depend on the term. The contribution can be made from 1 month. up to 3 years.

There is a minimum deposit opening amount. The higher the threshold, the higher the yield.

The contribution can be replenished and not replenished. There is also a limit on the amount of replenishment. But with the advent of the Internet, banks began to offer replenishment of the deposit via the Internet without restrictions.

Interest can be calculated monthly, quarterly and at the end of the term.

The deposit can be with interest capitalization, that is, interest will be added to the deposit, and interest will also be charged on them. Such interest is called compound interest. There is also the possibility of withdrawing interest, it happens that interest is charged to a separate account. You can use them or add them to the contribution, if the condition of the contribution allows.

Now about the annual interest on the deposit.

The receipt of high interest will be influenced by the amount of the deposit and the term of the deposit. In some banks, the deposit interest is 3 years higher than for one year, while in others, on the contrary, it is less. Banks are afraid of the long term of the deposit, because everything can change in three years.

There are also deposits such as expendable deposits and demand deposits.

The choice of contribution will be influenced by your goal, what exactly you need from the contribution and how you will use it.

If you want to save - we put it for a long time. Save up for a vacation or for a purchase - you put it in for a shorter and more necessary period.

I believe that the most profitable deposit is a replenishment deposit for 1 year with interest capitalization and 9% per annum. Such a contribution allows you to save and receive a high income.

It will be more profitable to open several deposits in different banks. In practice, there is always one of the most profitable deposits in the bank, while others are less profitable. Therefore, it makes sense to find its advantages in each bank and use them.

I do this, consider the offers of several banks, and choose which bank has the opportunity to get good benefits.

I open short-term deposits in Sberbank through Sberbank online, they have a higher percentage and a convenient service to open a deposit from home.

For example, in one bank I open a deposit for one year with the highest interest, it may not be replenished and interest is calculated at the end of the term. This is how I get a high income. In another bank, I open a replenishment deposit and start saving money on it. As I accumulate and expire the term of the deposit, I transfer the money to a deposit with more favorable conditions.

Another way to profitably use the deposit is to open a deposit in advance and put the initial amount on it, and, as soon as possible, put all the free money on it. For example, I have an open deposit for 6 months and now I get vacation pay. There is no need for this money yet, and I put it on a prepared deposit for three months. The percentage will be higher because my deposit was opened for 6 months, and not for 3 months if I reopened the deposit. You can prepare several such deposits and use them to make a profit.

Bank interest rates are constantly changing. I am constantly monitoring changes and looking for favorable terms of deposit for me. If you have invested money for one year at 8.5%, then I will advise you to consider the proposals of other banks, and if you find a deposit with 9.5% or more, then do not wait until your deposit ends, but immediately open a new deposit.

If you wait for the end of your deposit, and then transfer the money to another deposit, then the interest rate may change, and you will already miss out on your profitable deposit.

Therefore, you open a new deposit, wait for the end of the old deposit and transfer the money.

Open, in advance, a deposit for 3 years with a high interest and when there is one year left until the end, transfer money from other deposits to it, with a lower annual interest. This way you will receive a one-year deposit with a high interest rate.

This is how opening new and closing old deposits, I get the most profitable interest. Stay on top of existing contributions and make the most of your contributions.

You also need to have a reserve deposit just in case. Perhaps you urgently need money and in order not to lose interest on the main deposits for early closing, open another deposit. I opened a deposit for one month and can withdraw money at any time, while losing very little money. The deposit is automatically renewed and can stay like that for a whole year, but I have a reserve for unforeseen cases.

Deposits up to 700 thousand rubles are insured by the state, but it is not that you can sleep peacefully. When an insured event occurs, you will not be able to get money right away, and while you wait for your money, the economic situation will change and you will receive money that has a different weight. Therefore, it is better to insure yourself and divide a large amount of money into parts and put it in different banks. It will be easier to withdraw small amounts, and if one bank cannot give you money, others can give it out without delay.

Let's summarize.

Open multiple deposits in different banks.

Be aware of existing contributions.

Transfer money to profitable deposits.

The right distribution of money will give you a high income and protection for your savings.
