Some housewives do not look into the crockery departments for a long time, because they have everything they need at home. When there is a need for shopping for the kitchen, not everyone can remember where the nearest kitchenware store is located. Therefore, his shop must be memorable.

Step 1
Tell us who or what the store is for. Write down ideas without subjecting them to analysis and criticism. Don't cross out anything, because a wide variety of options will lead to good thoughts. List similar names: "For the hostess", "For food", "For the family", etc.
Step 2
Describe where the store is located. People's memories cling to familiar places. At the right time, associations will pop up indicating the location of the store. Add similar options to the list: "Dishes on the corner", "Dishes at the traffic light", "Cups and spoons for Herzen", etc.
Step 3
Use the word "dishware". Add to it various words and phrases from the life around you or what people dream about. You will get something like this: "Dinner's Corner", "Dish Empire", "Dish Choice", "Dish Chime", etc. Even options that are not suitable at first glance will awaken imagination and help generate valuable ideas.
Step 4
Use the phrase "for the kitchen." Add to it elements that are missing in some homes to encourage people to come to the store. Write down names like these: "Best for the Kitchen", "Helpers for the Kitchen", "Good for the Kitchen", "New for the Kitchen", etc.
Step 5
Combine words with the addition "home". Funny options will liberate thinking: "Wilkin's house", "Tarelkin's house", etc.
Step 6
Combine the options prepared in the previous steps into one list. Shuffle the elements of the list to diffuse the reader's attention. When a person sees phrases of the same type, something similar begins to come to mind. Now it is important to nudge the brain to think "in the dish direction", but not dwell on something specific.
Step 7
Show the list to different people and ask if they have any new ideas. Write down without criticism whatever is suggested. Sometimes good options are spontaneous. Conduct the analysis after making sure that nothing new is already offered. Make the final choice in a few days to get out of the habit of the proposed ideas.