To open a credit institution (bank or non-bank KO), you must have a strong desire, decent authorized capital, and a crystal clear credit history. What else is required to open a KO?

It is necessary
- Collect documents for state registration of a credit institution with the Bank of Russia, as well as for obtaining an appropriate license for banking operations. The list of documents includes:
- - application;
- - Memorandum and Articles of Association of the organization that you are going to open;
- - the original minutes of the meeting of the founders of the organization, which should include information on the adoption of the charter and a list of candidates for the positions of managers (including the chief accountant);
- - certified copies of certificates of registration of founders (legal entities);
- - audit reports on the financial well-being of the founders (certified copies);
- - certificates confirming that they have no debts and obligations to tax authorities of all levels for the last 3 years (certified copies);
- - income declarations of the founders (individuals), certified by the tax authorities (certified copies);
- - questionnaires containing comprehensive information about candidates for positions (education, work experience).
Step 1
After the submission of these documents, you are required to issue a written confirmation of their receipt at the Bank of Russia. Within six months from the date of submission of documents, you must receive a resolution on the decision (no more than 3 days should pass from the moment of its issuance). Hold a meeting of founders to obtain a resolution, draw up a new one or make adjustments to the old work plan of your KO.
Step 2
Within a month, make the full payment of the authorized capital, announced by you, to an account opened for you by the Bank of Russia (in case of opening a non-bank CR, a correspondent account is opened). Get a certificate of state registration of KO.
Step 3
Submit to the Bank of Russia documents confirming the full payment of the authorized capital. After 3 days, you will receive a banking license from the Bank of Russia (if a positive decision is made).
Step 4
Let's say there are personnel changes in your KO. Then, within 2 weeks from the date of changes in the composition of officials, inform the Bank of Russia about it and provide them with a new list with the application of questionnaires. Within a month, the Bank of Russia must notify you of its decision.