Setting up your own farm is very troublesome. To successfully engage in agricultural business, you must really love your job, otherwise any undertaking will turn into failure. How to start your own business, getting not only pleasure, but also a good profit?

It is necessary
- - business plan;
- - land plot;
- - buildings and constructions;
- - equipment and technology.
Step 1
First, decide what kind of farming you would like to do: pig breeding, poultry farming, or maybe agriculture. The latter, by the way, is considered the most profitable enterprise.
Step 2
Get documents on the registration of a company (for example, an individual entrepreneur or LLC).
Step 3
Make a business plan. It is possible that you will need a loan to implement your business idea, in which case a detailed plan will come in handy.
Step 4
Next, you need to resolve the issue with the site on which your farm will be located. To do this, contact your local government.
Step 5
If you are planning to do business in partnership with your relatives, then you should conclude an agreement on the creation of a farm in order to avoid possible quarrels in the future. Well, if you plan to run a business without outside help, then such an agreement is not required.
Step 6
This will be followed by the construction of structures, the conclusion of contracts for the provision of your farm with electricity, water, heat, etc. At this stage, you will need to obtain the appropriate permits, and for work to attract hired workers specializing in this area.
Step 7
The next step is to create a team. The farm workers can be your relatives or employees.
Step 8
Arrangement of a farm. For full-fledged work, you will need to acquire equipment that you can buy or rent.