The number of individual entrepreneurs is growing every day, most of them are interested in the sphere of trade, namely, opening their own store. At first glance, it seems that there is nothing complicated here: I rented a room, hired workers and purchased goods. However, this is hindered by a number of permits, without which the work of the store is impossible.

So, as it turned out, in order to start operating your own store, you need a number of documents. And it is not limited to such documents as registration of a legal entity, TIN certificate and documents on registration in a medical, pension fund, as well as a social insurance fund. In addition to them, you will need the following permits.
Permission to place advertising space
You need to get this permission in order to install the sign of your store. To obtain it, you must submit a completed application for permission to place an advertising space together with copies of the lease agreement and a certificate of opening a sales outlet and a registration card certified by a notary. But you will also need a sketch of the future sign, a map of its estimated location, as well as some color photographs.
Conclusion of the fire department
It is one of the most important permits that a store owner must have. To obtain it, you must also submit a completed application along with copies of the lease agreement and certificate of opening a sales outlet, an insurance policy for the premises, an agreement confirming the installation of a fire system in your premises, as well as a floor plan. In the future, you need to choose a person from your team of employees who would be responsible for fire safety.
Sanitary conclusion
The same important permitting document as the conclusion of the fire department. To obtain it, you will also require a number of certain documents, namely: a statement, a document certifying that you are registered with the Inspectorate of the Ministry of Taxes and Levies, a certificate of registration of a legal entity and a lease of premises, certificates for the entire list of products sold, medical books of store employees a certificate of the conclusion of a garbage collection agreement.
Cash register permit
Here you will again need a certificate of registration of a legal entity and a lease agreement. To them are added the passport of the cash register being placed, the conclusion of a technical specialist, a hologram of the state register and a document certifying registration with the Ministry of Taxes and Tax Collection.
And now, when the listed series of permits are already in your hands, you can safely proceed to the design of the store and coming up with a name, placing goods on the shelves and other creative work!