Many complain about the lack of funds, but there are situations when you urgently need to get money. To do this, you should have several options so that at least one of them works, otherwise the problem will be very difficult to solve and it will take a long time to find an answer.

If you urgently need money, you can ask for a loan from relatives and friends. Of course, you won't be able to borrow a lot, and not every loved one has free funds, but it's still better to ask than to suffer from doubts. If the amount is large enough, then you can borrow money from several people. Thus, the chance of being rejected will be much lower, since the amount will not be very large. The advantage of such a loan is that you will not need to pay interest. However, the debts will need to be repaid on time, otherwise the relationship will be ruined and it will be very difficult to restore them.
Bank loan
If relatives and friends refused to help, then you can try to take a loan from the bank. However, in this case, you will need to collect a lot of documents and leave your property as a pledge. It is important to remember that banks can refuse a loan if a person has a bad credit history. A huge disadvantage of relations with the bank is the large interest on the loan. You will also need to pay a certain amount on a monthly basis; delay in payment is punishable by a fine.
When money is urgently needed and the loan was denied, you should contact a pawnshop. However, in this case, it will be necessary to mortgage property, jewelry. The disadvantages of such a loan are huge interest rates and a high risk of losing collateral. But this method of obtaining the required amount also has advantages. So, the pawnshop is completely uninterested in the borrower's credit history, money can be received very quickly, a minimum of documents is required.
Credit unions
Credit unions are ready to issue funds for almost any purpose: treatment, training, purchase of household appliances, etc. The loan can be secured by a car, real estate, furniture. Credit unions have several advantages over banks. They treat borrowers more humanely. So, in the event of a delay in payment of a loan, the borrower only needs to inform its reason so that no penalties are applied to him for a certain period. It can be a week, in some cases 1, 5 months.
Loan at work
If a person is appreciated at work, then he may well turn to the director with a request to give him a loan against wages. Of course, he will have to sign some documents, but in this case he will not need to pay interest, and the debt will be repaid quickly, it will simply be deducted from wages.