The convenience of using bank cards was appreciated by many. There is no need to carry large amounts of money with you, just one card is enough. But it is not always easy to control receipts.

Step 1
There are several ways to check the balance of the bank account when transferring money to the card: using an ATM, a cell phone or the Internet.
Step 2
Viewing the cash flow using the ATM of “your” bank is the most common option. Insert the plastic card into the machine, select from the offered menu a mini-statement on the latest transactions on the card account and look at the result on the printed receipt. Some banks charge an additional fee for this service.
Step 3
The next method is to control transfers by mobile phone. In large banks there are special mobile services (for example, "Mobile Bank" from Sberbank of Russia) and all changes in the account will come to you in the form of SMS messages. When connecting to this service, a subscription fee is charged, but after two months of using the service.
Step 4
Online services on banks' websites are another way to check transfers to a plastic card. To connect, you need to fill out an application at the bank or register on the website. You will then receive a user ID and password. They are required to enter the system both when the service is connected and when accessing the system without connecting. After completing all operations, all information on the card will be available to you.