To the name of the company, you can quite rightly apply the lines from a song hummed by the cartoon character Captain Vrungel: "As you name a yacht, so it will float." The success of your business often depends on the recognition, uniqueness, and memorability of the name.

It is necessary
- - vocabulary;
- - a computer with Internet access.
Step 1
Often, beautiful and intricate names are based on the initials of the founders (for example, Andrei Grachev - "Grand"; coincidence with real names and names is possible by accident), signs of the zodiac, places of birth and much more.
Sometimes you can get really good options, but there is no one hundred percent guarantee.
Plus the same initials can be different. For example, with the name Khudyakov Ulyana Igorevna (the coincidence with the real name, again, may be accidental), it is certainly better to use a different naming principle.
Step 2
Most often, a good name comes from the activities of the future company. Naming specialists cite among successful examples, for example, the real estate agency "Apartment Shop" or the chain of furniture salons "Divan Divanych" (the company owes the latter, by the way, to the driver of its general director).
It is difficult to give universal recommendations here. It can be useful to study dictionaries, run activities by associative series.
If the industry directories become the main source of information about the company, it would be nice that the name begins with the first letters of the alphabet, ideally with "a". That way it is guaranteed to end up on the top lines and on the front pages.
Step 3
The name born in agony will not be superfluous to check for uniqueness. The anti-plagiarism program will be the website of the Federal Tax Service of the Russian Federation, where there is a service called “Check yourself and your counterparty”. It is enough to enter the name, leaving the other fields empty and click on the search button.
Ideal - if not a single "namesake" or a small number of them are found. If the number of companies of the same name goes to tens and hundreds, it is worth thinking about another option.