Employees of HR departments and personnel officers are familiar with the form of the T-1 form, which is a unified format for an order for employment at an employee's workplace. At the same time, it is legally allowed to use other forms of own forms developed by the company.

According to the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, a new employee must present original documents when applying for a job: identity card, work book (when entering work for the first time, the employer independently starts a document for the employee), insurance certificate SNILS (or issued by the employer during initial employment), certificate on education, military ID (for conscripts).
The employment agreement signed by the employer and the new employee is documentary evidence of the employee's employment and the beginning of labor relations with the company. The next step after drawing up the contract, the personnel department prepares an order for employment and puts a mark in the work book.
How to fill out order T-1
Basically, T-1 is a form that is fairly easy to fill out because it is convenient and practical to provide for all the points of the order. And it also includes all the necessary details to confirm the primary recorded documents established by Art. 9 of the Law "On Accounting". All personal information in the T-1 form is entered strictly according to the passport of the new employee.
- The upper part is the name of the company, which should be indicated in full, as prescribed in the constituent documents.
- Order form code according to OKUD. You should enter the following numbers in the field: 0301001.
- Organization code according to OKPO. Enter your company code in the field - it is unique for each legal entity.
- Document Number. Must have every order of the company when registering a document. Often, companies use standard numbering according to the usual order of all forms filled out by the HR department. You calculate the number yourself.
- Start date of taking office. Rewrite the information verbatim as written in the employment contract.
- Information about the end of the term of labor relations. The column "by" of the "Date" variable is intended for this data (for urgent labor relations, for example, for the period when the main employee is on maternity leave). If an agreement has been reached on an indefinite period of validity, then leave the box blank.
- Structural division of employment. Indicate this information if it is prescribed in the contract (labor).
- Employee job title. Make sure that the name matches the wording from the staffing table of your company.
- Conditions of admission. In this column, it is written whether the work is the main one for the employee or he combines it with something. It is possible to indicate the admission to seasonal work.
- The size of the salary. Indicate the tariff rate or salary. If any other payment system is used, be sure to indicate these payment terms.
- The period of time for passing the test. Provide information only if you have set a trial period for a newcomer when accepting a company.
- Details of the labor contract. This is the basis for the application of the order.
Frequent mistakes when filling out the T-1 form
- The item "Nature of work" should not be empty. Even if the conditions of admission and work are the most standard, be sure to indicate this in the field.
- The item "Probationary period" can be left blank.
- Be sure to fill in the item "Size of salary" in detail. The order will be used by the financial department or accounting department to calculate the salary of the employee. That is, in the field it is necessary to register all allowances to payments.
- The legislation does not provide for the requirements for order numbering, so there is no need to worry about errors in the sequence of numbers.
The completed T-1 form, or order, must be signed by the head of the company. Then familiarize the employee with the order and ask to put the date of familiarization and the signature in the appropriate fields.
A sample of the completed unified form T-1 and the actual blank form of the form can be downloaded on specialized sites for personnel records.