Banking services have become an integral part of our life. Today, the most popular among our citizens are all kinds of loans and plastic cards. With the growth of their popularity, the number of bank fraudsters, taking advantage of the financial illiteracy of a part of the population, also increases.

The number of bank fraudsters is growing and their methods are becoming more sophisticated. In order not to become a victim of swindlers, you need to know about the types of fraud that exist today and comply with a number of simple requirements that allow you to keep your money intact.
Fraud with plastic cards
Their list is quite wide, and the ingenuity of bank craftsmen knows no bounds. One of the most common cheating options is skimming. Its mechanism is simple: a special device - a skimmer - is put on the ATM reader, which "removes" all the card data, and its PIN-code is obtained using an inconspicuous video camera and special overlays on the keyboard. Then a duplicate of your card is created, and all funds available there are withdrawn from the card account.
Phishing is a more sophisticated scam. The essence of this "Internet fishing" boils down to the fact that fraudsters send emails on behalf of the bank in which they offer to follow the link to activate the card or check its balance. Following the instructions, the cardholder goes to a fake website, where he enters his personal data. After that, the money on the card becomes available to cybercriminals: they can cash it out or transfer it to another account.
Credit schemes
In the field of lending, fraud is in full bloom, and the "lion's share" of fraud belongs to the so-called "black brokers" who, for an additional fee, offer citizens assistance in obtaining a loan. The most harmless deception comes down to the fact that dishonest intermediaries provide a kind of "consulting" services: for a small fee of 300-500 rubles, a list of banks is offered that are ready to issue a mortgage or consumer loan to you. If you decide to purchase it, you will get a simple list of credit organizations operating in your city. It is certainly useful, but it can be found on any banking site absolutely free.
More arrogant fraudsters offer to accelerate the issuance of a loan, moreover, they evaluate their services, demanding for this 10-15% of its amount. The deception mechanism is simple: fraudsters collect documents from clients and send them to several credit organizations at once. If the credit history of potential borrowers is not damaged, one of the banks will definitely approve the issuance of a loan. The lucky ones part with their money, not thinking that they could arrange such a loan on their own.
Some scammers offer borrowers with bad credit history to fake income statements, or to bring in “fake” guarantors to increase the chances of a loan. If it is possible to get a loan, the borrower is forced to give 20-50% of the money received to fraudsters. At the same time, no one thinks about the fact that, in case of disclosure of fraud, the loan will have to be repaid immediately, and the borrower himself will forever be included in the "black list".