How To Pay For Services By Credit Card

How To Pay For Services By Credit Card
How To Pay For Services By Credit Card

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Recently, the bank card has become more and more popular. After all, with its help, you can not only withdraw money from an ATM, but also pay for services and goods.

How to pay for services by credit card
How to pay for services by credit card


Step 1

If you are the holder of a bank card of the international payment systems VISA, MASTERCARD or MAESTRO, then you can pay for the services of one hundredth communication, Internet, television at any ATM of any bank. It is enough to insert the card and enter the pin code. In the main menu, select the option "Payment for services". Since transactions for payment for services from a card are non-cash payments, then, as a rule, the bank does not charge a commission for their performance.

Step 2

For those people who are used to controlling their accounts and spending a minimum of time transferring funds from the card for goods and services, the Internet banking service is relevant. To activate it, you just need to register using your username and password. When you open the main page, the system will display a list of operations, including payment for utility bills, for the provision and use of a hundredth connection, television. In the Internet banking system, you will have the opportunity to make a transfer between your accounts or from your account to the account of another owner within the same bank. You can also find out information about the balance of your card, about the available funds on the account and generate an account statement with all expense and credit card transactions.

Step 3

You can use a bank card for a plane or train by means of a card. It must be remembered that the conversion can be up to 10% if you do not have a foreign currency account. Since paying for services using a card via the Internet is not safe, you should beware of the following situations: you do not need to pay for goods and services on recently registered sites or sites with a low rating; do not distribute bank details, CCV-code or pin-code.
