How To Reflect The Disposal Of Property, Plant And Equipment

How To Reflect The Disposal Of Property, Plant And Equipment
How To Reflect The Disposal Of Property, Plant And Equipment

Table of contents:


The disposal of an object of fixed assets of the organization is made out in accordance with the established standards and is reflected in the accounting on a detailed basis as part of other expenses and income. At the same time, accounting entries differ depending on how the fixed asset is retired from accounting.

How to reflect the disposal of property, plant and equipment
How to reflect the disposal of property, plant and equipment


Step 1

Determine the reason for the retirement of an item of property, plant and equipment from the enterprise. It can be written off due to unsuitability for use, transferred free of charge, transferred as a contribution to the authorized capital, leased, sold under an exchange agreement, etc. Based on this fact, it is necessary to draw up an act of acceptance and transfer in the OS-1 form or an act of write-off in the OS-4 form. Make the appropriate changes to the inventory card in the OS-6 form.

Step 2

Open account 01 "Fixed assets" subaccount 01. "Disposal of fixed assets", which will reflect these operations. Write off the initial cost of the object by opening a loan on account 01 and a debit on account 01. Reflect the written-off depreciation on the debit of account 02 "Depreciation of fixed assets" with reference to the credit of account 01. V. Subsequent accounting entries depend on the reason for the disposal of the asset.

Step 3

Reflect the write-off of the residual value of the item of fixed assets on the debit of account 91 "Other income and expenses" and credit of account 01. B, if the disposal occurred due to unsuitability for use, sale or gratuitous transfer. If the object is transferred to the authorized capital of another enterprise, then a loan is opened on account 01. B and a debit on account 58 "Financial investments" for the residual amount.

Step 4

Make an accounting entry to show the proceeds received from the sale of the item of property, plant and equipment. To do this, open a credit on account 91 and a debit on account 62 "Settlements with customers".

Step 5

Calculate and take into account VAT from sales on the credit of account 68 "Calculations for taxes" in correspondence with account 91. If there was a gratuitous transfer of the object, then VAT is charged based on the market price of the fixed asset. In this case, it is necessary to write off the costs associated with the transfer on the credit of the corresponding accounts.
