What Investments Became The Most Profitable In 2014?

What Investments Became The Most Profitable In 2014?
What Investments Became The Most Profitable In 2014?

The Russian economy is expected to follow the same trends in 2015 as at the end of 2014. The devaluation of the ruble will continue, and with it the depreciation of savings. Therefore, the question of how to preserve your own funds in the face of a fall in the national currency is quite relevant. You can choose the most effective investment method based on considering the return on investment in 2014.

What investments became the most profitable in 2014?
What investments became the most profitable in 2014?

If we consider the return on investments in 2014 in Russia in terms of dollars, then we get a rather sad picture. Among those who did not lose part of their funds under the influence of inflation and devaluation were only those who kept their savings in foreign currency or had open foreign currency deposits in their assets.

In terms of Russian rubles, the profit from investments was distributed as follows.

1. Dollar depositors were in the most advantageous position, despite the low interest rate. It was the dollar that during the year showed outrunning growth against both the ruble and the euro. So, the dollar started at 32.6 rubles, and ended the year with 56.3 rubles. The increase was 72.7%. Taking into account average rates of about 3%, the yield for dollar depositors surpassed the 75% threshold.

2. The second place is taken by deposits in euros. The fall of the euro against the dollar during 2014 became a worldwide trend. The difference between the euro / ruble rate at the beginning and end of the year was 51.4%. Thus, the holders of deposits in euros in 2014 could boast of an income of 53-54%.

Such a strong position of deposits in foreign currency was due to the fall of the ruble. They are expected to remain the best investment targets in 2015. Moreover, the dollar will continue to grow against the euro.

3. Owners of Euros and Dollars rank third. Their profitability was equal to the size of the ruble devaluation.

4. Contrary to global trends, gold in Russia has seriously increased in price, but the magnitude of the increase did not exceed the size of the devaluation. With a gold price of 1261, 58 rubles. by the end of 2014, it stopped at around 2146, 08 p. The increase was over 70%. However, the low popularity of such investments is due to the fact that they are subject to VAT, and metal accounts are not covered by the DIA insurance. In addition, forecasts for the growth of the cost of gold for 2015 are rather restrained.

5. According to IRN, real estate value growth in 2014 amounted to 12%, which was practically on par with inflation. But in dollar terms, property prices fell by almost 25%.

6. In 2014, the owners of ruble deposits were also able to formally earn money. Their income averaged 7%. But it is worth noting that the yield on Russian deposits could not even outstrip the official inflation rate, which in 2014 reached 11.4%.

More risky investment instruments, such as mutual funds, stocks, bonds (Russian), for the most part, could not bring any significant income. Mutual funds even ended this year with a loss.
