How To Get A Loan At Your Company

How To Get A Loan At Your Company
How To Get A Loan At Your Company

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Many enterprises, whose financial affairs are proceeding quite successfully, issue loans to their employees. To apply for a loan in your organization, you must be guided by Chapter 42 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation and submit an application to the employer with a request to issue borrowed funds.

How to get a loan at your company
How to get a loan at your company

It is necessary

  • - application;
  • - contract;
  • - passport;
  • - order;
  • - notification.


Step 1

If you are planning to get a loan at your enterprise, notify the employer by submitting an application. In the application, indicate your full name, department or structural unit number, job title, loan amount and the period during which you want to return the loaned funds.

Step 2

Your application will be considered. If the manager has put the resolution "Issue", then the authorized representatives of the finance department will draw up a bilateral loan agreement with you. The document can be drawn up in simple written form in duplicate for each of the parties (Article No. 808 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation). When drawing up the contract, you must invite at least two witnesses from among the staff working at your enterprise. The contract is signed by an authorized representative of the finance department, you and the witnesses.

Step 3

The contract itself indicates all the conditions on which you were granted a loan, the amount, repayment terms and interest rate. In some organizations, employees are provided with financial loans without interest as a stimulating bonus, but in case of late return, in case of early dismissal, when all borrowed funds have not yet been returned in full, all disputes are resolved in court. The court is guided by the Civil Code and issues an order to pay compensation for late return, based on the refinancing rates of the Central Bank of the Russian Federation at the time of the consideration of the case.

Step 4

After drawing up and signing the contract, the employer issues an order in free form with a detailed description of the loan amount, repayment terms and submits a notification to the accounting department.

Step 5

Withholding borrowed funds from you will be in parts, making deductions from wages. According to the Civil Code, you have the right to withhold no more than 50% of your salary, and then only if you do not have financial obligations for alimony or a writ of execution to pay money to third parties.
