How To Make Profit With A Credit Card

How To Make Profit With A Credit Card
How To Make Profit With A Credit Card

A credit card is not only a means of obtaining a loan, but also an opportunity to make a profit in the form of bonuses, miles or rubles. It is very unusual to use a credit card to earn money, and many do not even know about such an opportunity.

How to make profit with a credit card
How to make profit with a credit card

Competition in the banking market is very tough, therefore, banks use various promotions, discounts and bonuses to attract customers. You won't surprise anyone with a grace period on a credit card today. But not every credit card can return part of the money spent. The CashBack service allows you to return part of the spent money back to the card. However, many do not know about the valuable features of a credit card. Or they consider such earnings not serious and a waste of time. But if there is an opportunity to get additional profit, why give it up? The refund amount can be from 1% to 10% of the money spent. The refund rate depends on the choice of credit card. Each bank offers its own conditions for using a credit card.

Before applying for a credit card, it is necessary to consider the offers of several banks. The choice of a credit card must be approached responsibly, since your earnings will depend on this. Find out what the maximum percentage of return can be on the offered cards. Be sure to get information about the amount of annual card maintenance. And also how and what will be the refund - in bonuses, miles or rubles. It is very important to know for what purchases and services you can benefit. Each bank has partners, so CashBack can only be in certain stores, restaurants, hotels and gas stations.

I want to assure you right away that there is no credit card without annual service and a 10% refund for any purchases. If the bank offers a large percentage of CashBack, then the service cost is higher or the interest on the credit card is higher than that of competitors.

To choose a profitable card, you need to make calculations and find out what the biggest expenses are made per month on a plastic card. For example, groceries are mostly bought for cash, but the car is refueled with gas using a card. Or the main expenses go to food and medicine. Choose a card that you will use more often where you can get CashBack.

Here is a simple calculation of using one of the credit cards. The annual service amount is 900 rubles, 3% CashBack for any purchases.

For example, a family's monthly expenses for food, medicine and services are 20,000 rubles. 15,000 of them are made by credit card and 5,000 for cash. In addition, another 5,000 rubles are used to pay with a petrol card. Total monthly expenses on a credit card are 20,000 rubles. 3% CashBack of this amount will be 600 rubles, therefore, 7200 rubles per year. Subtract 900 rubles for service and get a net 6300 rubles. The amount is small, but you can buy a good gift for the New Year.

As you can see from the calculation, the more expenses on the credit card, the higher the income. It can be impractical and unprofitable to receive a credit card with a monthly expense of less than 5,000 rubles.

It is easier to spend the money received when CashBack is in rubles. If CashBack is in bonuses or miles, then you need to find out in which stores you can spend bonuses, as well as what is the ratio or rate of bonuses to rubles. You can also spend miles, respectively, only with the bank's partners.

The assortment of credit cards is very large, so everyone can choose the most suitable and profitable credit card for themselves. If you don't have a credit card yet, then it's time to get one and start earning.
