How To Get A Loan To Buy A Home

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How To Get A Loan To Buy A Home
How To Get A Loan To Buy A Home

Video: How To Get A Loan To Buy A Home

Video: How To Get A Loan To Buy A Home
Video: HOW TO GET APPROVED FOR A HOME LOAN (How to Get a House Loan) 2024, October

The gap between the income of the average Russian citizen and the cost of housing is too huge. Many people cannot afford to buy an apartment with their existing savings. And the best solution in this case is a home loan.

How to get a loan to buy a home
How to get a loan to buy a home

It is necessary

  • - passport;
  • - certificate of income in the form of 2-NDFL or in the form of a bank;
  • - a copy of the work book;
  • - documents on the provided collateral (if any);
  • - documents on the lent residential premises (can be provided after the bank has made a positive decision).


Step 1

Select a bank. Housing loans are provided for a long term and for large amounts, therefore, the choice of a bank must be approached very carefully. All credit institutions have different requirements for borrowers and different conditions for granting a loan. But when choosing a bank, you need to pay attention not only to this. Hidden fees and commissions are essential, which can significantly increase your costs. In order not to burn yourself on this, carefully read the contract.

Step 2

Collect the required documents:

- passport;

- certificate of income in the form of 2-NDFL or in the form of a bank;

- a copy of the work book;

- documents on the provided collateral (if any);

- documents on the living quarters (can be provided after the bank makes a positive decision). In each bank, the package of necessary documents may differ slightly. As a rule, it is in the interests of the borrower to provide the most complete list of documents, because the decision of the bank and the size of the interest rate may depend on this.

Step 3

Find a guarantor and co-borrowers. The presence of at least two guarantors is a mandatory requirement for most banks. Any individual or legal entity whose financial condition will allow you to take on loan payments can act as a guarantor, in case you, for some reason, stop making payments. Almost all banks allow attracting co-borrowers (usually up to 3 people). The difference between the co-borrower and the guarantor is that the income of the former is taken into account when calculating the maximum loan amount. That is why relatives are most often taken on this role. The spouse or spouse of the borrower automatically becomes a co-borrower, regardless of income level. An exception is the presence of a valid prenuptial agreement.

Step 4

Submit your documents to the bank, as well as documents for co-borrowers and guarantors (passport, income statement, copy of work book).

Step 5

Wait for the bank's decision. As a rule, 5-10 days are given for consideration of the application, starting from the moment you provide a complete package of documents. A positive decision is valid within 30-60 days.
