Retail trade is one of the most common types of business. It is not surprising that some people who decide to start entrepreneurship opt for it. For example, an aspiring entrepreneur decided to open a small grocery store. It is much easier and more profitable to rent a ready-made premises than to create it from scratch.

Step 1
Pay particular attention to the location of the room. A well-located store, under any circumstances, will attract the attention of many more people than the one huddled in the courtyard of a sleeping area. The best option if it is next to the entrance of a large enterprise or organization. Then the flow of clientele willing to make purchases after the working day is guaranteed to you.
Step 2
Inquire about whether there are any premises for rent in the vicinity of such organizations. Take the time and effort to examine them, choose the most optimal option. The premises must meet the following conditions: sufficient areas of the trading floor and utility rooms, a convenient approach to the main entrance and an access to the back door for suppliers of goods. Most likely, the rent will be significantly higher than in the same residential area. Calculate whether it will pay off with more buyers and how soon.
Step 3
Try to be as accurate as possible to account for all the necessary up-front costs. In particular, whether the premises need repairs. If necessary, is it possible to get by with a minor (cosmetic) or will need a major one. Consider how much and what materials you will need to buy, how many workers will be required, what are the average market prices for their services.
Step 4
If the total amount comes out too large, it makes sense to rent a space for a store in a less favorable location. Yes, the number of clients there will probably be less, but with a good organization of the business, a more or less satisfactory assortment and reasonable prices, you can have a good business there too.
Step 5
Count how many (at least approximately) apartments are in the houses located next to the store. Accordingly, you have at least the same number of potential buyers. Decide on the range of food, drinks and pricing policy, taking into account the average age and level of income of the residents. Based on this, calculate what approximate amount customers can leave in your store per day, week, month. Subtract from it the amount of rent, staff salaries, payments to suppliers and conclude: does it make sense to rent this retail space.