How To Survive A Bank

How To Survive A Bank
How To Survive A Bank

Table of contents:


In the difficult conditions of the global financial crisis, credit institutions faced various financial difficulties. Some of them were closed, others were reorganized. Now no Russian bank can call itself stable and prosperous. How can a banking business maintain economic sustainability?

How to survive a bank
How to survive a bank

It is necessary

Economic articles and forecasts of experts, experience of Western countries


Step 1

Attract the attention of potential investors in all possible effective ways: through a bright advertising campaign, proper PR, quality service. Increase the percentage of payments on deposits, reduce interest on loans, come up with and implement various contests and bonuses that will send a continuous stream of customers to your bank. For example, give useful gifts to every new depositor, or hold some other interesting promotions and raffles of valuable prizes. Strive to make every client comfortable in the branches of your bank.

Step 2

Strictly monitor the activities of the investment department. Stop the direction of the bank's working capital in projects with an unclear future. Reduce potential risks to the minimum. Trust the management of investment affairs only to experienced professionals who know a lot about a reasonable investment.

Step 3

Minimize costs. To do this, end your employment relationship with ineffective workers. Reduce staff numbers if necessary. Save money by eliminating unnecessary expenses.

Step 4

Review your lending policy. Protect yourself from issuing loans to insolvent individuals and legal entities. Make the bank's security team work at full capacity and ensure that debtors always return money. Don't let your employees engage in theft and money laundering.

Step 5

Pay special attention to building long-term relationships with legal entities that have opened a current account with your bank. Provide them with prudent service and respect.

Step 6

If a bank is in financial distress, try to merge it with another financial institution in a stable position. For lingering problems, government assistance can also be sought.
