Small businesses and start-up entrepreneurs often do not have the financial ability to purchase the necessary equipment or upgrade the production base. It is rather difficult to obtain borrowed funds from the bank due to the lack of credit history or collateral under the agreement. In this case, a leasing company can come to the rescue of the entrepreneur.

Step 1
Leasing is a long-term lease with the ability to return or buy back the property. Any immovable or movable property used for entrepreneurial activity, except for land plots and other natural objects, can become the subject of leasing.
Step 2
Most often the following leasing scheme is used. A private entrepreneur or a commercial organization (lessee) chooses the necessary equipment and a possible supplier. Then the lessee contacts the selected leasing company, which acts as the lessor under the agreement. The lessee informs the lessor of the primary information about the necessary equipment, on the basis of which the leasing company calculates the amount of lease payments and determines the terms of the transaction. The company includes its premium in the amount of lease payments. The relationship between the lessor and the lessee is formalized by an agreement, which fixes the type of equipment, lease term and determines the amount of lease payments.
Step 3
A sale and purchase agreement is concluded between the lessor and the equipment supplier, which fixes the terms and conditions for the supply of equipment. A leasing company can purchase equipment using its own or borrowed funds. When using borrowed funds, a loan agreement is concluded between the leasing company and the bank. The funds received are transferred to the supplier as payment for the equipment.
Step 4
In addition, an insurance company participates in the leasing transaction, which acts as a partner of the lessor or lessee and insures various risks associated with the subject of the contract.
Step 5
Ownership of the equipment is usually retained by the leasing company until the end of the contract. The lessee then either returns the equipment to the leasing company or takes ownership of it.
Step 6
Among the leasing companies are highly specialized and universal. Specialized companies lease only equipment of a certain type, while universal companies work with any equipment.
Step 7
There are many leasing companies operating on the Russian market now. Each of them seeks to attract customers with favorable terms. Leasing companies with state participation are the leaders in the market. Such companies are financed from budgetary funds and offer the most favorable terms of lease financing.